Creating a platform for experimentation with New Era Cap

Miranda Glover
Chief Marketing Officer
April 26, 2022
5 minute read

Too many companies are sold the dream of an intuitive technology stack, but lack an overarching business case to drive this investment forward. Without consistent funding, websites begin to languish, accumulating technical debt with every release. The fear this has created - of overspending and underperforming - has led to stakeholders severely under-investing in their digital roadmap; falling behind their competitors and losing faith in the systems they use.


Join UNRVLD + Optimizely's joint virtual breakfast on 19 May 09:30- 10:30 BST as Kashif Hasan and Mark Everard, Optimizely MVP explore how we've helped New Era Cap to:

- Create a solid business case for digital investment
- Build an award-winning, stable tech platform on Optimizely
- Double YoY eCommerce growth
- Run experiments that delight and inspire New Era's customer base

With expertise taken directly from New Era's market leading transformation project and  across the award-winning UNRVLD portfolio, including McCarthy Stone, NTT, DWF, Southampton Football Club, Formula-E, Crystal Palace and Euroleague Basketball.

Spaces are limited so register now  - and please provide your name and address to enjoy a complimentary breakfast hamper during the event.

*This is a senior digital leader event only; suppliers and students need not apply.