Formula E is a future thinking motorsport with zero C02 emissions that takes place right in the heart of the cities around the world. With races every two weeks during their 11-month season, we are excited to be taking on the challenge of running and maintaining their digital estate. UNRVLD will be on hand to ensure that fans always have access to the right content at the right time, from the live event profile to driver radio and the exclusive Fan Boost functionality. We will enable fans to become fully immersed in the sport that they love.
We're also embarking on a Discovery Project to redefine Formula E's digital strategy in advance of their 8th season in January. With a focus on digital coverage around race day and the second screen experience, Formula E's future roadmap is set to bring supporters closer to the action than ever before. Whilst creating new commercial opportunities through a fan maturity model focussed on exponentially growing Formula E's audience.
At UNRVLD, we can’t wait embark on this exciting journey with Formula E, joining the likes of Audi, BMW, Jaguar and Porsche in support of this unique sport.