UNRVLD - welcome message from our CEO

Dan Berry
UNRVLD Chief Executive Officer
July 15, 2021
5 minute read

Looking back on the last 12 months, I seem to have been blessed with being able to celebrate important and proud days. Firstly, our initial investment from BGF into Kagool, followed by the acquisition of Delete agency, peppered nicely with other significant highlights, such as our Top 100 Best Company recognition, Sitecore Partner of the Year nomination and Kentico Site of the Year award. This seems all the more remarkable when considering the incredible pressures that people, businesses and the country as a whole have been under with Covid as an ever-present backdrop.

Leading from the front

In some ways though, I shouldn’t be surprised, based on the agility, commitment and skill from the UNRVLD team. Throughout the period of transition, integration and consolidation, they have not lost sight of what matters; supporting one another as an extended family, whilst all working remotely. Everyone understands that what we do is incredibly important to our clients and in turn their customers. Simply put, we know that what we all do in this industry really matters in everyone’s daily lives.

Delivering positive impacts

People’s priorities have changed, more so in the last 18 months than ever before. So the fact that we work on projects that make a difference, and increasingly have a positive environmental and social impact, gives our people the on-going motivation and belief to go the extra mile. For example, we design services that help reduce water loss with Welsh Water and give consumers a more transparent, environmentally responsible way of disposing of their waste with Biffa.

Adapting to a new world pivot

It seems a happy coincidence to be launching our evolved proposition as we emerge from the pandemic. It really is, however, just a representation of the strategic thinking, change and adaptation we’ve all had to undertake as we pivot to the new normal. To me, it’s actually not to the new normal but to the new opportunity, and I’m very excited that, as UNRVLD, we are better placed than ever to help realise our clients’ ambitions.

I’d like to finish by thanking everyone on the team, our clients and partners, for helping us to to reach this point today. They all represent the unrivalled best we seek to be and work with every day, and I look forward to continuing our growth story together.

Dan Berry, CEO, UNRVLD